The Taletellers

Taleteller’s Kitchen is a branch of Hidden Tales Inc. Here at Hidden Tales, we are dedicated to the continued collection and preservation of history and tales that have been otherwise forgotten. Taleteller’s Kitchen focuses on the basis of all civilization, human or otherwise: Food! Cooking is both an art and a science, one that is required to sustain life and allow societies to thrive. This archive showcases every recipe our explorers have rescued from dark forests to ancient ruins.

All our recipes are procured by our Spacetime Navigators and Culinary Keepers, also known as SNACK.

Hidden Tales Inc. welcomes questions and comments! If you think you have stumbled upon a site worth further exploration or have found a recipe worth sharing, don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form on our homepage.

Meet the Team:


Hi! I’m Vic, the Head Explorer for SNACK. I’ve collected a bunch of the recipes found in this archive, but only because I’ve got the rest of SNACK backing me up. Thanks guys!

I hope these recipes are as delicious as they were fun to obtain.


Heyo, I’m Dave, head of Logistics and Rescue. It’s my job to pull my explorers out of messes, so I’m pretty busy. These guys really stick their necks out to get these recipes, but what’s a reward without a little risk, anyway?


Sup, I’m Beetle. I do most of the research around here and point the adrenalin junkies in the right direction. I’ve been around a while, so I guess it makes sense. Lived in the Deep Forest for a time, probably a couple hundred years, till I met Jimbo, who said I could do a lot of good if I worked with SNACK, so I joined up. Been a pretty while ride all things considered.


Name’s Jimbo, SNACK’s deputy explorer. Joined up only a couple years back as a transfer from the Cartography branch. I’m less recipe focused than Vic, and search for other food related artifacts like tools and ingredients. I recruited Beetle so honestly Vic and I are basically tied when it comes to contributions to the organization so far.


Hello, I’m Melinda. I’m SNACK’s head chef. I test all the recipes brought back to ensure they are both safe and delicious, and to see if the cooking process needs any alterations to account for present-day human technology.